Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Satsang with the Stars 與星星靜坐問答

Sharing of wisdom among spiritual seekers.
Good and virtuous gathering. Being in the company of those who inspire, encourage, and reflect your true nature.
A good opportunity for new friends to meet Dr Deepak and get their questions answered.  This is also a good chance for old students to get together, ask questions, and pull together what you have learned. It is a time that we can have fun being together again. 
歡迎舊雨新知齊與Dr. Deepak共聚一堂

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Dr. Deepak
週六 晚上7:00 – 9:00

The Truth will set you free …..But It has got to be Your Truth

真實將會讓你自由 … 但必須是你的真實

花個晚上,與Dr. Deepak和一小群人共度好時光,告訴你有關你自己的神秘你如何思考和你怎麼感覺的Dr. Deepak會帶著他的電腦來,你問他問題,他製出你的圖,根據圖所顯示真實的你,來回答你的問題這是個分享





日期2012121 (週六) 晚上7-9
連絡Lilian 93398476 or  lilian.chow@hkastrologyclub.hk
   或 Ida 93287246 or ida8173@yahoo.com.hk
   或 張明瑩  veetnisha@gmail.com
地點香港堅尼地城加惠民道33號怡峰 18A

Dr. Deepak是心理學和資優教育教授(美國),前美國路易士安那州心理學會會長,曾任美國臨床催眠學會道德委員。由他經手與督導的智商與心理測驗超過5,000人次以上。他是正式有照的人類圖諮商分析師和人類圖教師,有照心理師, NLP神經語言程式專業級和訓練師,受過Rogerian諮商訓練,生物回饋訓練,Erickson催眠訓練,行為增強訓練和認知行為心理治療訓練。他曾擔任Osho Times》星象專欄主筆與印度普那的專任星象師多年,也是靜心、催眠和星象訓練團體的帶領者。在旅遊世界中,給過大約4,000人次的星象與人類圖個案和治療個案
欲了解Dr. Deepak更多資訊:http://www.astronlp.com

The Truth Shall Set You Free
Dr. Deepak

Saturday, 7-9 pm,
Jan 21, 2012

In India, Satsang is when a group of spiritual seekers sit with the guru and ask him questions about the truth. The guru will share his own personal experience or sometimes point to a universal truth of consciousness. The guru does not know who you are individually and can only tell you that part of the truth which applies to everyone.

In this Satsang, you are also asking questions, but the answer you are given is according to your own personal chart. There is no guru, but there is the wisdom of the stars. It is not a universal truth applicable to everyone; It is your own personal truth that works for you. You are seen, you are known, you are received, and you are answered:

      One day a man comes to Buddha and asks if there is a God. 'There is no God’, says Buddha. The next man comes to Buddha and also asks if there is a God. 'Yes, there is a God, says Buddha. Anando, Buddha's brother, is standing nearby and hears all of this. He goes to Buddha and asks, 'Excuse   me, Buddha, but you told the first man there is a God and you told the second man there is no God. What is the truth?  Buddha said, 'The first  man needed to hear there is a God and the second man needed to hear there is not’. 

In the thousands of sessions I have given and the satsangs I have been to, everyone is asking the same questions. What is true for one person is not necessarily true for the other. Good to know how many other different kinds of Truth there are.

Dates:  Jan 21 (Sat), 2012, 7:00-9:00pm
Contact: Lilian 93398476 or lilian.chow@hkastrologyclub.hk
    Ida 93287246 or ida8173@yahoo.com.hk 
    or MingYng veetnisha@gmail.com
Love Offering: Donation Only
Location: 18A Mount Davis, 33 Ka Wai Man Road, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong
Information: www.astronlp.com