這不是個大聲吶喊吼叫發洩情緒的課程,這是個讓你親眼見到也親自體驗到你有能力可以很彈性地轉換著情緒,知道情緒在傳達給你什麼訊息,知道什麼情緒適用於什麼情境(每一個情緒都有其適合的時機與地點)。 換句話說,Dr.
How to be happy:
The emotions group
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週五 6.30-9.30 pm
週六&週日 10am-6pm
Dr. Deepak
1. 情緒是信號:每個情緒都是個訊息,告訴你需要知道某個什麼東西。
2. 情緒有八個成分:時間結構,感官型態(感元),參與,強烈度,比較,步調,基準,區塊大小。
3. 情緒的次感官型態(次感元):顏色,重量,溫度,速度,味道,觸感,氣味,聲音,向度,框架。
4. 富生產力之鏈:有一些步驟,讓你可以從挫折轉為決心,從衝動轉為耐心,從任何你所不想要的情緒轉換成你比較喜歡的情緒等等。
5. 為自己下心錨:如何建立起觸感的刺激回應,讓你在需要某個情緒資源的時候,就有路徑可以讓你取得這資源。
Dr. Deepak是心理學和資優教育教授(美國),前美國路易士安那州心理學會會長,曾任美國臨床催眠學會道德委員。由他經手與督導的智商與心理測驗超過5,000人次以上。他是正式有照的人類圖諮商分析師和人類圖教師,有照心理師, NLP神經語言程式專業級和訓練師,受過Rogerian諮商訓練,生物回饋訓練,Erickson催眠訓練,行為增強訓練和認知行為心理治療訓練。他曾擔任《Osho Times》星象專欄主筆與印度普那的專任星象師多年,也是靜心、催眠和星象訓練團體的帶領者。在旅遊世界中,給過大約4,000人次的星象與人類圖個案和治療個案。
日期: 2012年2月3-5日 (週五至週日)
時間: 週五6:30 – 9:30 pm
週六日10 am – 6 pm (午餐休息 1-3pm)
地點: 香港堅尼地城加惠民道33號怡峰 18A
語言: Dr. Deepak英語教學,有華語口譯。
費用: 港幣3,000元。於2012年1月11日前報名者,早鳥優惠費用港幣2,800元。
How to be happy:
The emotions group
2.5-Day Group
Feb 3-5, 2012
Fri Evening 6.30-9.30 pm
Fri Evening 6.30-9.30 pm
Sat & Sun 10am-6pm
Hong kong
Dr. Deepak
This is a group for personal growth and skill. Happiness is an emotion. To be happy and stay happy you need to learn about your emotions.
In just these few days you will change your life. You will learn that emotions can be shifted and surfed without being repressed or controlled. You will learn about half a dozen different emotions and how they work: You will know how to go from loneliness to love and from emptiness to full.
1. The Signal: each emotion is a message about something you need to know
2. 8 Components: Time Frame-Modality-Involvement-Intensity-Comparison- Tempo-Criteria- Size
3. The Submodalities: Color-Weight-Temperature-Speed-Taste-Touch-Smell- Sound-Dimension-Frame
4. Generative Chain: steps to take to go from Frustration to Determination, from Impulse to Patience, from any emotion you don’t want to one you like better.
5. Self Anchor: how to establish kinesthetic stimulus-response to access any emotion when you need it
The Emotional Center is the strongest center of all nine centers. It is the only center which is both an Awareness Center and a Motor which gives energy. It comes first. It runs us, it runs the world, it runs everything.
Yet very few people know anything about their emotions. They either “feel good” or they “feel bad”. Most people feel stuck in their emotions and helpless that they can do anything. It is only because of lack of education. The schools and universities have taught us thousands of hours or reading, writing, arithmetic, but they have taught us nothing about our emotions.
This group changes all of that. It shows you dozens and dozens of emotions and their message and the components they are made out of. Change just one component and you change the emotion.
This group teaches you what place your emotions have in your life and how they serve you alongside your intelligence and your physical well being.
You learn how to steer your own ship. You learn how to sail with the wind instead of letting it blow you off course. You learn how to surf with the wave instead letting it crash down upon your head. You will receive handouts and worksheets.
You learn how to steer your own ship. You learn how to sail with the wind instead of letting it blow you off course. You learn how to surf with the wave instead letting it crash down upon your head. You will receive handouts and worksheets.
This group teaches you how to feel what you want to feel.
** HUMAN DESIGN. This group is particularly significant for human design students who have asked to go further in their knowledge. The emotional center is the most powerful chakra in your human design. It is the only center which is both a motor and an awareness center. It is the center which is being prepared for mutation in 2027. Emphasis is made on the emotions of Frustration (Generators), Bitterness (Projectors), Disappointment (Reflectors), Anger (Manifestors),and Shame and Blame (Solar Plexus). It is prerequisite for Practitioner Certificate.
DR. JOSEPH ‘DEEPAK’ VIDMAR was Professor of Psychology and Gifted Education and President of the Louisiana Psychological Association, USA, also on the Ethics Committee of the American Association of Clinical Hypnosis. He gave and supervised over 5000 psychological evaluations. He was the Astrologer for Osho Times and Group Leader in Pune, India for Meditation, Hypnosis and Astrology Trainings. He is a Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP and is a Certified Analyst and Professional LYD Guide in Human Design. He has given some 4000 sessions in Astrology and Human Design around the world.
Dates: Feb 3-5 (Fri – Sun), 2012.
Time: 6:30 – 9:30 pm (Fri)
10 am – 6 pm (Sat-Sun, Lunch break 1-3pm)
Where: 18A Mount Davis, 33 Ka Wai Man Road, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong
Language: Dr. Deepak will teach in English. MingYng will translate into Chinese.
Contribution: $3,000 HKD ($2,800 HKD early bird discount by Jan 11, 2012.)