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What if you really did do something not right in terms of righteous courage?
What if you never really supported your beloved when he was suffered the most under the cruel and dirty attack and betrayal from his most trusted friends and you thought you did support your beloved but perhaps it turned out that you didn’t?
What if you really did do something not right in terms of righteous courage?
What if you never really supported your beloved when he was suffered the most under the cruel and dirty attack and betrayal from his most trusted friends and you thought you did support your beloved and did stand on his side but perhaps it turned out that you didn’t?
Everything during Pluto transit is so dark energy. You wanted/want to go through it with a sense of peacefulness, just don’t want to get involved, but it just doesn’t work that way.
You and your beloved are both so incurably romantic and idealistic who still hope for something miracle like justice and fairness in the world. But you separately do it in very different ways. You tend to go inside yourself, dealing with your own thoughts, feelings and emotions. You are not interested in changing the way the reality world has been operating. In a way you are so optimistic about Life itself, which everything will find its way out. In a way you are so pessimistic about the reality world itself, thinking that the way the reality world operates will never change, so why bother to say anything or do anything. And perhaps it is people like you who somehow let the dark evil energy get away.
Your beloved would fight to expose or reveal the truths so that people would not get harmed again like him by those dark energies. And you would go inside to deal with yourself.
Your beloved is a spiritual warrior, a spiritual fighter. He dares to fight injustice and unfairness. He dares to confront injustice and unfairness. He is so incurably romantic and idealistic that he thinks that the reality world can be much much better if people know the truths. Or at least people won’t get cheated again like his experiences. So he has devoted himself to tell the truths, not realizing that people might concern more about themselves to be safe and secure or people might want to have some peace not to know so much truth of dark side of life than to know the truths or to expose the truths. Your beloved keeps doing this, out of his passions for truths for a better world that people won’t get harmed by the same dirty stuff repeatedly.
And you, somehow so cold, don’t want any emotional turmoil, storm. You would rather let go of all this dirty stuff so just you can move on in life. You, like most people, avoid any trouble as much as you can. You think this is the way the reality world operates. People in power are always the ones who decide the rules of the game. Whatever they might say something so wonderful and beautiful for whatever they have been doing, basically just for covering their real intentions.
Remember the day all the stuff came to some kind of conclusion, 22 Oct 2010, you wrote down in your diary:
Even I already knew that there is no such thing as justice or fairness in the reality world, somehow my incurable idealistic and romantic part still hoping for something that might have been different this time. The result turned out that I had the wrong hope. Recently all those things going on in our compound are really dark energy that I was hoping for some miracle from the so-called “spiritual conscious” people. Then the reality, again, proves that there is no such thing as justice or fairness in the reality world. Power trip is always power trip. People in power are always the ones who decide the rules and regulations. The rest of it which sounds so great is nothing but covering the true intention. And people in power, particularly dark power, never care about people. They only care about how to get what they want.
I was so angry today. The anger exploded out. But really inside myself I didn’t really have anger. I could sense all my body without tension, my breathing smooth. It was kind of just that moment the anger came out, and then it was gone.
Deepak said that is because I am not an angry person so I don’t really have anger.
I don’t like to talk about those dark dirty stuffs. Even I know they are always in the world but I never like to waste my energy to talk about it. But I just did, without mentioning anything specific.
Can something be not right, and yet be justified?!
Yes, I am so afraid that I sort of betrayed/betray my beloved because I was/am such a coward, without any righteous courage (道德勇氣) that I dare not to stand up to fight the evil energy. Yes, I am so afraid that it wouldn’t make any difference even I did/do stand up to do anything. Deep down, I guess, I just don’t believe that people in dark power would change the way they think.
Your Beloved Deepak幾次跟妳說,童子軍的訓練裡,如果一位童子軍在叢林中劈荊斬棘開路前進,他會先拉住樹枝,等同伴後人安全通過,才把手上握住的樹枝鬆開,以免後人受到樹枝回打而受傷。或者他們遇險難的地方,就會標示記號,好讓後人不再重蹈覆轍,不致於誤入險境而受傷害。這是童子軍的榮譽,不僅只是自己安全離開而已,也要為後人著想。
PS. 有關這篇貼文,還有後續幾篇,陸陸續續已經寫得差不多,就是個人覺得仍然有些敏感,擱在那兒遲遲未貼上來。詢問了Deepak,他給了非常正面的支持,又讓我既訝異且感動的是,他竟然回應了我寫在中文的部分「我終究不是個fighter」,他可一點也不懂中文喔。
Here is what Deepak replies to me:
It is beautiful as it is. Not even one word should be changed. It is a Question for all of us. It is the Deepest Question there is. It is the unanswerable Question that every spiritual seeker must ask and ask again and carry with them forever on life's journey.
What to do with the Evil in this world?
I am the Gate 38, not you. I had to learn that I stand Alone.