Saturday, September 15, 2012

Huma Design -Know Yourself and Others人類圖-了解自己&了解他人 @台北藍海 10月13-14日

人類圖 是張地圖、藍圖、圖表,說明了你是誰,你今生來到地球上應當怎麼活你的生命。它顯示出你意識層面的真實自己True Self 和潛意識層面的真實自己True Self人類圖 是套新體系,以新的方式,包含物理學和基因學等現代科學,結合了猶太卡巴拉Kaballah印度脈輪Chakras西洋星象學Astrology中國易經

Thursday, July 12, 2012

NLP 10-day Training NLP十天訓練課程8-9月@藍海

Dr. DeepakNLP The Magic of the Mind & The Opening of the Heart 訓練課程

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Satsang with the Stars in Taipei 與星星靜坐真理之夜 8月15日

Sharing of wisdom among spiritual seekers.
Good and virtuous gathering. Being in the company of those who inspire, encourage, and reflect your true nature.
A good opportunity for new friends to meet Dr Deepak and get their questions answered.  This is also a good chance for old students to get together, ask questions, and pull together what you have learned. It is a time that we can have fun being together again. 
歡迎舊雨新知齊與Dr. Deepak共聚一堂

The Emotions Group: How To Be Happy 情緒課程:如何快樂 8月3-5日 @晴心靈工坊

這不是個大聲吶喊吼叫發洩情緒的課程,這是個讓你親眼見到也親自體驗到你有能力可以很彈性地轉換著情緒,知道情緒在傳達給你什麼訊息,知道什麼情緒適用於什麼情境(每一個情緒都有其適合的時機與地點)。  換句話說,Dr. Deepak的情緒課程其實就是教你如何增進你的情緒智商,也是你在日常生活中隨時就可以用上的。

Satsang with the Stars in Taipei 與星星靜坐真理之夜 7月18日

Sharing of wisdom among spiritual seekers.
Good and virtuous gathering. Being in the company of those who inspire, encourage, and reflect your true nature.
A good opportunity for new friends to meet Dr Deepak and get their questions answered.  This is also a good chance for old students to get together, ask questions, and pull together what you have learned. It is a time that we can have fun being together again. 
歡迎舊雨新知齊與Dr. Deepak共聚一堂

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Satsang with the Stars in Taipei 與星星靜坐真理之夜 6月21日

Sharing of wisdom among spiritual seekers.
Good and virtuous gathering. Being in the company of those who inspire, encourage, and reflect your true nature.
A good opportunity for new friends to meet Dr Deepak and get their questions answered.  This is also a good chance for old students to get together, ask questions, and pull together what you have learned. It is a time that we can have fun being together again. 
歡迎舊雨新知齊與Dr. Deepak共聚一堂

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Huma Design -Know Yourself and Others人類圖-了解自己&了解他人 @台北藍海 5月19-20日

人類圖 是張地圖、藍圖、圖表,說明了你是誰,你今生來到地球上應當怎麼活你的生命。它顯示出你意識層面的真實自己True Self 和潛意識層面的真實自己True Self人類圖 是套新體系,以新的方式,包含物理學和基因學等現代科學,結合了猶太卡巴拉Kaballah印度脈輪Chakras西洋星象學Astrology中國易經

Monday, April 23, 2012

Magic Bach Flower Remedy Experiences我的神奇巴哈花精經驗記


Monday, April 2, 2012

Love & Relationship 愛與關係 @台北晴心靈工坊 4月27-29日

Love is not enough
How To Find, Make Better & Keep

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Huma Design -Know Yourself and Others人類圖-了解自己&了解他人 @新竹 2月25-26日

人類圖 是張地圖、藍圖、圖表,說明了你是誰,你今生來到地球上應當怎麼活你的生命。它顯示出你意識層面的真實自己True Self 和潛意識層面的真實自己True Self人類圖 是套新體系,以新的方式,包含物理學和基因學等現代科學,結合了猶太卡巴拉Kaballah印度脈輪Chakras西洋星象學Astrology中國易經

Satsang with the Stars in Hsinchu 與星星靜坐真理之夜-新竹 2月22日

Sharing of wisdom among spiritual seekers.
Good and virtuous gathering. Being in the company of those who inspire, encourage, and reflect your true nature.
A good opportunity for new friends to meet Dr Deepak and get their questions answered.  This is also a good chance for old students to get together, ask questions, and pull together what you have learned. It is a time that we can have fun being together again. 
歡迎舊雨新知齊與Dr. Deepak共聚一堂